
Architect overhead multiplier calculator

Calculate your firm's overhead multiplier by first entering direct labor costs followed by overhead costs. (Note: An overhead multiplier of <1 is not possible with this calculation.)

1. Direct labor cost

Annual cost of employee compensation that can be billed directly to projects.


2. Overhead costs

Annual cost of employee compensation that cannot be billed directly to projects (e.g. admin or marketing staff, etc.)
Annual cost of expenses that cannot be reimbursed from projects (rent, utilities, software, etc.)


Profit target

Percent (%) of Net Revenue Dollars remaining after all (operational and non-operational) expenses.

Project role hourly billing rate

Project role annual salary

Annual Salary divided by 2087 (average work hours in a year.) This is the hourly rate that you're paying your employee.


/ hour

Project role billing rate

Net Multiplier x Hourly Rate. This is the hourly billing rate you should be billing to your client to make a profit.


/ hour

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Direct labor multiplier
Overhead multiplier
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