
How to Build as an Architect-led Developer in NYC - Alexandra Militano

Join us on Thursday, April 8th for Best Practice, a virtual fireside chat series dedicated to practice operations at architecture firms and beyond. We’re chatting with Alexandra Militano, Director of Construction at Alloy Development.


Guest list

George Valdes
Alexandra Militano
Alloy Development
Chris Morgan


Join us on Thursday, April 29th for Best Practice, a virtual fireside chat series dedicated to practice operations at architecture firms and beyond. From pain points to potential, hear how leaders in the architecture and engineering industry are innovating through new business models and managerial techniques.

We’re chatting with Alexandra Militano. Ali directs the construction of projects at Alloy Development where she oversees on-site execution and construction administration. Ali is currently working on a mixed used project in Downtown Brooklyn.

In this 45 minute chat, we'll talk to Ali about how to expand the scope of architecture.

Find out:

  • How Alloy challenges the architecture and real estate disciplines
  • What happens when you control the construction budget
  • Lessons from managing construction for architect-led development
  • and more!

About Alloy Development

As architects and developers, Alloy Development sees opportunity in the diversity and complexity of our urban context. Alloy uses great architecture and thoughtful development to positively impact our built environment. The fundamental promise of their business has always been driven by the belief that rigorous analysis and quality design can create enduring and recognizable value. With over $1.6b in work since 2006, Alloy Development has established themselves as stewards of the communities in which they live and work. Through their unique organizational culture, Alloy Development challenges the architecture and real estate disciplines by questioning existing practices and proposing new ways to benefit the social and built environment. Learn more at alloyllc.com

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