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Take Your Projects from Planned to Paid: Monograph Payments

Take Your Projects from Planned to Paid: Monograph Payments

As the world is moving towards a digital economy, more and more consumers are used to paying for goods and services easily online.

In fact, more than 4 in 5 Americans used some form of digital payment in 2021.

Rather than going to the bank and sending out checks in snail mail, online payments allow clients to pay in seconds—as fast as an Amazon checkout.

Talk about client experience.

At Monograph, we’re obsessed with client experience. That’s why we’re launching the new Monograph Payments so you plan projects and get paid all in one system.

Take Your Time Back

Invoicing is a huge time sink. Architecture firms reportedly spend 2-3 days on invoicing alone each month with tedious manual steps like:

  • Pulling timesheet data to send to bookkeeper
  • Creating invoices in an accounting software
  • Attaching a PDF of that invoice to an email
  • Then waiting for the client to send a check or wire transfer

The entire process can take weeks or months for you just to get paid.

To help you improve that cashflow, the new Monograph Payments allow your client to pay right there right then.

Invoicing diagram showing manual vs automatic process

With Monograph Payments, you can cut invoicing time by collecting payments straight from Monograph without need for external apps.

“For me, the best part about the online payments integration is its automatic connection to the project info and time tracking. So much time is saved by not having to go back and forth between a time tracking app and separate invoicing/payment software, and I know the information is accurate and ready to go.”

—Sloan Springer, Principal, Springer Architects

Boost Client Experience

Typing in routing and account numbers always gives me stress.

What if I type in the wrong number?

What if I input the wrong billing amount?

Now imagine how less stressful it could be when your client can just pay you with a click of a button.

When a client receives an invoice from Monograph, they can easily pay with credit card or bank transfer based on your selection.

Monograph built-in payment with the click of a button

Nail the Follow-Up

When you send an invoice through e-mail, you have little to no insight into:

  • if they’ve opened the invoice,
  • if they’ve mailed a check,
  • or initiated a transfer.

It goes into a black hole and the only way around it is a number of grating email follow-ups.

At a quick glance, Monograph users can see when an invoice is viewed, processed and paid. So you can follow up correctly every time.

Monograph Invoice Activity Log

Instead of manually marking an invoice as paid, Monograph will take care of it for you automatically once you receive a payment via Stripe.

“I am able to prepare and send out several invoices in a matter of minutes, then in many cases receive payment within the next day or two—no more waiting on checks to be mailed (and possibly lost) and it's that much easier for my clients, as well.”

—Sloan Springer, Principal, Springer Architects

Get Instant Financial Insights

Right now you might be digging through email and bank statements to see if a client paid or not.

Then you have to manually update a spreadsheet after you’ve been paid—a spreadsheet that has to be shared across the organization and easily gets out of date.

With Monograph, all your payment data is automatically tracked and updated in your project financial reports so you can see the health of your project at a glance.

Monograph Project Financial Report

When your client pays you through Monograph, the report gets updated in real time so you can see what you’ve billed, logged and paid all in one place.

Get Paid Faster with Online Payments for Architects

With the new payment options, you can now plan your project, track your time, create invoices and get paid all in one platform.

Get out of snail mail and start using Monograph’s online payment to streamline your client experience, get instant report and free up your time.

Monograph - Project management software for architects
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