Project Management

Free Architect Timesheet Template

Free Architect Timesheet Template

Track your time at work with this free Architect Timesheet template (available as Excel, and Google Sheets). Simply add your hours and print your timesheet. This spreadsheet will help you streamline your time tracking efforts across your firm.

Download template

Why Use a Timesheet Template for Architects

As architects, we need to know where our time goes in order to bill our clients and make a profit. Tracking and entering time is the foundation of successful project management, as you'll be able to improve project profitability and forecast time allocations.

If you are not ready for a timesheet software for architects yet, an architecture timesheet spreadsheet can help you:

  • Keep track of how many hours your team has worked every week
  • Track the efficiency and productivity of your teams
  • Have a standardized record of all the time spent on your projects
  • Know what you need to bill your clients at the end of the month
Timesheet Architecture Template
Timesheet Architecture Template

You can distribute this timesheet template to your team members for them to log where their time is going. We recommend using it daily to log your hours before you leave for the day and ask everyone to submit it at the end of the week.

For example, my previous firm always asked us to print out our timesheets, sign them, and put them at the studio coordinator’s desk before Friday at noon...with a friendly timesheet reminder every week.

Submit timesheets meme
Fill out your timesheet As ASAP as possible

How to Use the Timesheet Template for Architects

  1. Put in your email to download the free Architect Timesheet template on this page. You will get an email with a link to download the template in both Excel and Google Sheets formats.
  2. Make a copy of the Google sheet template into your own Google Drive or open the Excel template.
  3. Input the basic information at the top of the spreadsheet with your name, employee number, and studio. Make sure you fill in the date for the week ending section so we know what week this timesheet is for.
Fill in information in architecture timesheet template
Fill in information in architecture timesheet template
  1. List out the projects that you’ve worked on this week including the project number, project name, phase, and description. Feel free to leave the Holidays, Vacation Days, and Sick Days rolls pre-populated so you don’t have to type them in all the time.
Project Timesheet Description
Project Timesheet Description
  1. Then just input the hours you have worked each day. We recommend logging your hours daily so you don’t forget what you did that day. The hours will be automatically calculated daily and weekly.
Input daily hours on timesheet template
Input daily hours on timesheet template
  1. If your firm requires it, don’t forget to sign the timesheet before submitting it to your manager.
Simple timesheet template approval
Simple timesheet template approval

TIPS: When a new week comes, simply duplicate the tab for this timesheet and rename it the week ending date to avoid writing over past content, and to keep a record of all of your work hours.

Duplicate timecard for architects
Duplicate timecard for architects

Download an Architect Timesheet Template for Free

Download the free architect template and easily track your time at work (available as Excel, and Google Sheets). Simply add your hours and print your timesheet. This spreadsheet will help you streamline your time tracking efforts across your firm.‍

Why Use a Timesheet Software for Architects

When you’re just starting out as a solo firm, a free architecture timesheet template could work in a pinch. But over time, having loose paperwork and files stored on servers is prone to human errors.

You’ll end up frustrated searching through clutter rather than focusing on billing clients for actual work done. Worst yet, as your firm or project grows these problems become exponential.

There are many solutions available for time tracking software but we've designed our specific for the workflows of A/E firms.

Monograph - Timesheet software for architects
Monograph - Timesheet software for architects. Watch a live demo of Monograph

This is exactly why we created Monograph - the best timesheet software for architects. By centralizing time tracking on a single platform, project managers can view reports across team members, and visualize how hours and dollars are being spent throughout their firm.

Managing Time and Budget with Monograph. Read More

Fill Out Timesheets with 1 Click

Spending all your time to input your hours into a spreadsheet - only to realize you did it wrong and have to re-do it again on a Saturday evening…

Monograph - Timer
Monograph's Timer to easily track your billable and non-billable time across projects. Read More

Now you can use Monograph's Timer to easily track your billable and non-billable time across projects. You can set the timer to record your time when you’re working - then any hours tracked with the timer will automatically appear within your timesheet for the week where you can also make further adjustments.

Monograph’s timer is easier than asking Siri to set a timer for your soft-boiled eggs
Monograph’s timer is easier than asking Siri to set a timer for your soft-boiled eggs.

Approve or Reject Timesheets

Fridays are supposed to be the happiest workday of the week, but I used to drag Fridays because of the chore of filling out the timesheet, then printing it out, signing it… (and I was always the last one to submit a timesheet.)

But that’s not it - your timesheets still need to be physically signed and approved by the managers right? If you’re still using spreadsheets for time tracking, this entire process could take at least a whole day for a single timesheet to get processed.

Approve or reject timesheets on Monograph
Approve or reject timesheets on Monograph

Monograph has a built-in approval workflow that project managers can now review timesheets for specific projects and easily approve or reject the submitted timesheets. No more trips to the printer to find your timesheet.

Turn Time into Invoices

We as architects track time for a reason - mostly to figure out how much fee we should bill the clients or see if we’re running out of fee for that project. But oftentimes, we’re stuck in multiple spreadsheets trying to figure out how much fee we should bill.

Turn timesheet into invoices on Monograph
Turn timesheet into invoices on Monograph

With Monograph’s Smart Invoicing, you can turn time tracking entries into value and invoice your clients however you like (based on Phase, Role, or Activities). You can see directly how many hours your team worked on the invoicing panel and add them all to your invoice in one click. No more manual calculations or shuffling through timesheets.

Monograph is so easy - I did my timesheet on time
Monograph is so easy - I did my timesheet on time

Are you ready to stop sending timesheet reminder memes again to your team? Get started with Monograph today!

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